Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter-Themed Art Projects for Young Children

Easter is only a few days away, so I spent several hours on Pinterest and my favorite blogs earlier this week to create this list of cute Easter art projects for toddlers and preschoolers.  Each project includes a link to instructions or photos.  I apologize that I don't have many photos for you, but due to copyright issues, I only use the photos that I have taken in my blog posts.  I hope that you enjoy this list; I know that I am now inspired to do even more Easter art with my girls!

I love making these lists for you!  Now, I am inspired!  I think that we will be doing a lot of art projects this week!

Marla is a former special education teacher, current PhD student, university instructor, and stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of two little girls (ages 2 and 4).  She blogs about homeschooling at Marla's Motherhood Musings and her family's experiences living in Zambia at Our Life in Lusaka.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Young Children Learn Through Repitition

"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Cow go."
"Cow go who?"
"No silly, cow go moo!"

After listening to this joke over and over for 20 minutes straight in the car this morning, I was losing my patience (and my mind!)  While it is a cute joke, one can only hear it so many times.  Then, all of a sudden, I noticed how my girls started giggling each time that they told the joke.  They absolutely love the fact that they know a joke and can make others laugh.  And I love how happy they were.  So, I continued listening to the joke for the next ten minutes until we got to our destination.  And, by the time we arrived, I was laughing hard each time that they told the joke.

As the day has gone on and I have thought more and more about this experience, I am constantly reminded of how little children learn.  They learn by doing the same thing over and over and over and over.  Teaching young children can be very boring and tedious for an adult.  But finally, after lots of time and practice, they learn the skill.  And it is so cool when young children have a new skill.  They are so proud of themselves and it is so much fun to watch them show off what they know.  While it can be hard to do the same thing over and over with your child, doing so is totally worth it!

Today, I just want to remind you to be patient with your little children.  Remember that they are learning and that your patience is critical for them to learn and grow!

Marla is a former special education teacher, current PhD student, university instructor, and stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of two little girls (ages 2 and 4).  She blogs about homeschooling at Marla's Motherhood Musings and her family's experiences living in Zambia at Our Life in Lusaka.
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