Friday, November 25, 2011

Seeds of Wisdom --- We Are Thankful

This week, we are focusing on how truly blessed we are.  Today, we would like to share with you the 5 things for which we are the most thankful.

Ralene -God, my family, great friends, the opportunity to stay at home and raise/homeschool my kids, chocolate. :)

Sam -Christ's blood that covers my sin, God, the most wonderful husband ever, six blessings, and the freedom to homeschool

Maureen -Time for what matters; seeing everything in the world new again with growing children; the smell of a damp forest; a hard-working, story-telling husband; the grace to let go of the past

Dorie -God's grace, my husband, our children, love, and laughter

Jessica -A committed marriage with a person who is brave enough to support my (sometimes crazy) ideas, the opportunity to raise these three amazing children, our farm and the hard work we do as a family to support our homeschooling lifestyle, as well as enough comfort and convenience in my life to feel embarrassed about my excess

Tracy -Books and the ability to read, my children and the blessing of watching them learn, my amazing husband and the opportunity to minister beside him, my God and the privilege of His presence, the fellowship and support of other moms in this same journey

Aurie -My amazing husband and my miracle girls; the knowledge that I will be reunited with all my loved ones in heaven; the freedom to blog and homeschool without fear; my wonderful friends who are such a blessing to me; and my faith that by believing that He sent His Son to die for me - what an amazing promise

For what are you most thankful this year?

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