Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Gifts We Give

The Christmas rush swirls about, outside, with the snow. Within, all is quiet.

We are Waiting. I revel in the freedom I have, as a homeschooling mother!

No school parties, no forced obligations. You know, the ones that add up to leave you all Christmas’d out by December 26th! It isn’t Christmas here yet. Nope. It is the season of waiting. Every day the excitement grows; everyday the secrets and surprises are built up.

Isaiah is furiously knitting to finish the scarves he’s making for his little sister and brother. Rosie is secretly earning pennies for gifting to family members.

No one is doing math, except the scanning of grocery ad sales as we plan our special meals. Oh, and paper airplanes and origami. (Ya, that's all math!)

I'm reflecting, as I wait for gingerbread in the oven to beep, over the gifts I'm giving my children this year:

I'm giving them a pressure-free childhood.
I'm giving them courage to explore the world.
I'm giving them a relationship with books.
I'm giving them knowledge and the experience of prayer.
I'm giving them a love of drawing, dance, and piano.
I'm giving them unstructured time to be. Just be.
And they need these gifts more than anything else.

Homeschooling is an amazing gift. It's given to me and I give it to my family.

"He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree."
~Roy L. Smith
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