Friday, September 9, 2011

Seeds of Wisdom --- Priorizing Our Time

Yesterday, Sam posted about the myth of "doing it all". She noted that it is impossible for her to do everything that she wants to do or that is asked of her.  The rest of the Seeds of Wisdom members have a little secret - it is impossible for us too.  We have to make choices and focus our time on our priorities.  Today, the panel members discuss how we each address our desires to be SuperWoman.

I am a schedule girl, which is how I get things done around the house. Now that we have added homechool to our daily routine I've had to tweak it a bit. I've let the laundry and the dusting go - but I make sure to have the dishes and kitchen cleaned and our living areas picked up before I go to bed. That way, when I get up in the morning I can have my quiet time before everyone gets up!

This is constantly a work in progress for me. I am always re-evaluating what works for us as a family, and what doesn't. Sometimes I have to let things go, laundry, dishes, etc., in order to take care of something more important. I want my children to have great memories, and that takes priority over the dishes.

There is no way I can 'do it all,' and nor do I try.  Homeschooling in general takes a good chunk of my time, and other things have to either wait or be eliminated from my days. I want my family to feel and know they are a priority, and this takes time. If that means a little less time for other things, then I have to be willing to do that.  Sometimes it is hard to say no though as there are so many 'good' things available. And, sometimes I do feel like I am missing out on other 'good' things, but it always comes down to a choice in how I spend my time. As someone else once said, I have to choose between 'the good things, better things, or best things.'

I really struggle with my desire to do too much and am trying to focus more on what is important.  I have realized that when I don't put the important things (God, my family) first, I run out of time in the day for the activities that really matter.  I now put the most important activities (homeschooling, essential housework, family fun time, bible study) on my calendar so those activities are intentional parts of my day.  I utilize apps on my phone for my calendar and to-do list so that I have them wherever I go.  I also keep a list of my top 5 priorities on my phone and look at it often.  Thinking frequently about what is most important helps me to focus on those things.  Finally, it also really helps that I believe that it is important to teach my girls about homemaking, so they are involved in making dinner most nights and help with the housework - this means that even when I am doing housework, I am teaching my girls.

From my post yesterday, it is easy for me to now see that I CAN NOT do it all. I must follow the important things first- God, Family, Others, and then IF I have time left, do "it all".
Schedules are a must here, as well as two pick-up times a day.

There is no way to "do it all." For me, systems and routines help. If I can get a working routine going for cooking and cleaning and blogging, life runs much more smoothly. I try to get most of my blogging done early morning, and I have my meals planned in a month long rotation (repeating the month's worth of meals for about 5-6 months through a season). This cuts way down on my time spent on menus and grocery lists. Beyond that, remembering WHY I'm at home helps me to choose my priorities throughout any given day.
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